fumitory$512009$ - translation to ολλανδικά
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fumitory$512009$ - translation to ολλανδικά

Common Fumitory; Common fumitory; F. officinalis; Drug fumitory
  • Flower and leaves of ''Fumaria officinalis''
  • ''Fumaria officinalis''
  • Protopine
  • Storage jar used for fumitory water (water infused with ''Fumaria officinalis''), Italy, mid-17th century

n. lekker Europees kruid met grijze verdeelde bladeren en paarse bloemen


·noun ·see Fumitory.
II. Fumatory ·add. ·adj Pert. to, or concerned with, smoking.
III. Fumatory ·add. ·noun A place for subjecting things to smoke or vapor.


Fumaria officinalis

Fumaria officinalis, the common fumitory, drug fumitory or earth smoke, is a herbaceous annual flowering plant in the poppy family Papaveraceae. It is the most common species of the genus Fumaria in Western and Central Europe.